Ken Krupat

March 19, 2012

The Scathing Missive and Canadian Employment Law: Good Idea?

This article examines whether it is a good idea for Canadian employees to send a scathing missive on their way out the door - and how it might affect severance entitlements.
March 15, 2012

Wrongful Dismissal Damages: Is Type Of Employment Still Relevant?

Should non-managerial employees get lower notice periods under Ontario law when they are wrongfully dismissed?  In other words, should the type of employment matter in a […]
March 14, 2012

Does Forced Geographic Relocation Constitute Constructive Dismissal?

Transferring an employee to a new geographic location may not always be a constructive dismissal. Employees must be cautious in pursuing constructive dismissal claims.
February 29, 2012

Are Dismissed Employees Entitled to LTD Benefits?

Ontario employees can sue their former employers for disability benefits if they become disabled during the reasonable notice period.